Wishlist of articles ( authors with A...)
- Abasa, Ruben O., 1969: Survival of starved adult northern fowl mites at different relative humiditis - Journal of Economic Entomology 62: 1075-1076
- Abate, T., 1996: Insect pests of beans in Africa: their ecology and management - Annual Review of Entomology 41: 45-73
- Abbasipour, Habib, 2006: Redescription of Transeius patellae (Karg) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and first record from Iran - International Journal of Acarology 31 (4): 363-366
- Abbatiello, M. J., 1967: Oribatid mites of Long Island with special reference to Belba johnstoni, new species (Acarina: Damaeidae) - Dissertation Abstr. int. (B) 27: 1-80
- Abbott, d.t., 1980: Improved methods for measuring radioactive tracer accumulation and excretion by microarthropods, with applications for the mite, Tyrophagus longior (Gervais) (Acarina: Acaridae) - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 73 (4): 492-494
- Abd-el-Hamid, Muhammad Elwi, 1964: Hydrozetes tridactylus n.sp., eine neue Art der Gattung Hydrozetes Berlese, 1902 von Ägypten (Acari, Oribatei) - Aus den Sitzungsberichten der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathem.-naturw. KL, Abt.1 173: 369-382
- Abd-el-Hamid, Muhammad Elwi, 1965: Revision Gustavia microcephala (Nicolet, 1855) und Bemerkungen zur Familie Gustaviidae Oudemans, 1900 (Acari, Oribatei - Zoologischer Anzeiger 175: 418-425
- Abd-el-Hamid, Muhammad Elwi, 1965: Wiederbeschreibung von Tectocepheus velatus (Michael, 1880) (Acari, Oribatei) - Zoologischer Anzeiger 175: 426-436
- Abd-el-Hamid, Muhammad Elwi, 1966: Wiederbeschreibung von Damaeus onustus (C.L.Koch, 1844) (Acari, Oribatei) - Zoologischer Anzeiger 176: 43-51
- Abd-el-Hamid, Muhammad Elwi, 1974: Acari (Oribatei) aus Ägypten: Selenoribates ghardagensis nov.sp. am Roten Meer - Anzeiger der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abt. I Biologische Wissenschaften und Erdwissenschaften 110: 53-55
- Abdallah, Adil Amin Mohammed, 2002: Euseius finlandicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) as a potential biocontrol agent against Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae): life history and feeding habits on three different types of food - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 25 (10-11): 833-847
- Abdel-Shafy, Sobhy, 2004: Toxicity of some essential oils on eggs, larvae and females of Boophilus annulatus (Acari: Ixodida: Amblyommdae) infesting cattle in Egypt - Acarologia (Paris) 44: 23-30
- Abdussalam, M., 1939: A new Trombidiid larva [Gahrliepia homunguis sp.n.] parasitic on the house rat (Rattus rattus) - Indian Journal of Entomology 1: 83-86
- Abdussalam, M., 1939: On a new feather mite parasitic on the Indian domestic fowl (Gallus bankiva murghi) - Vet. J. 95: 39-42
- Abdussalam, M., 1941: Pterygosomid mites from two North Indian lizards - Indian Journal of Entomology 3: 65-72
- Abe, Hiroshi, 2001: Phylogenetic taxonomy of the marine mite genus Rhombognathides (Acari: Halacaridae: Rhombognathinae) - Hydrobiologia 464: 79-88
- Abe, Hiroshi, 2004: Evolutionary trends of external morphology in the marine mite genus Rhombognathides (Acari: Halacaridae: Rhombognathinae) - Zoologischer Anzeiger 242 (4): 293-298
- Abed-Benamara, m., 1983: Note preliminaire sur la faune acarologique des poussieres de matelas d'Aler - Acarologia (Paris) 24 (1): 79-83
- Abel, i., 2006: Amblyomma tigrinum Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae) domesticos procedentes da Reserva Florestal Boqueirao Municipio de Ingai, sul de Minas Gerais - Bull. Sun Yat-sen Cultural Foundation 73 (1): 111-112
- Abel, i.d.s., 2000: Borrelia sp. in naturally infected Didelphis aurita (Wied, 1826) (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) - Braz.Arch.Biol.Tech. 43 (3): 307-312
- Abidin, Syed Zain Ul, 2024: Ontogenetic development and full morphological re-description of Cydnoseius negevi (Swirski and Amtai 1961) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) - International Journal of Acarology 50: 39-52
- Abo Elghar, m.r., 1979: Effects of certain pesticides on the survival and reproductive potential of the hard tick, Boophilus annulatus (Say) (Acarina: Ixodidae) - Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt 9 (econ.Ser.): 243-252
- Abo Taka, S. M., 1995: A new species of Euschongastia (Acari: Trombiculidae) from a domestic dog in the U.S.A. - Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research 40: 245-250
- Abo-Korah, Said M., 1985: A new species of the family Siteroptidae in Egypt Siteroptes mahunkai sp. (Acari: Tarsonemina) - Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research 10: 1085-1090
- Abo-Korah, Said M., 1985: A new species of the family Pygmephoridae (Acari: Tarsonemina) in Egypt - Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research 10: 1091-1096
- Abo-Korah, Said M., 1985: Siteroptes sevastianovi sp.n., a new siteroptid species from Egypt (Acari: Tarsonemina) - Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research 10: 1125-1130
- Abo-Korah, Said M., 1985: Scutacarus africanus sp.n. (Acari: Tarsonemina) a new species of scutacarid mite from Egypt - Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research 10: 475-479
- Abo-Korah, Said M., 1985: Two new Pediculaster species (Acari: Pygmephoridae) from Egypt - Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research 10: 481-487
- Abo-Korah, Said M., 2000: Ten new species of Tarsonemina (Acari: Heterostigmata) from Egypt - Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt 78: 87-103
- Abo-Shnaf, Reham Ibrahim Ahmed, 2019: A new species of Blattisocius (Acari: Mesostigmata: Blattisociidae) from Egypt - International Journal of Acarology 46: 9-13
- Abo-Shnaf, Reham Ibrahim Ahmed, 2021: Two new species of Cheiroseius (Acari: Mesostigmata: Blattisociidae) from Egypt, with a complementary description of Cheiroseius necorniger, and a key to Egyptian species - International Journal of Acarology 47: 647-659
- Abonnenc, Emile, 1955: Sur un nouveau Trombiculidae (Acarien): Euschöngastia rouchoni, parasite d´un phacochére - Annales de Parasitologie humaine et comparée 30: 219-224
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1981: Ecological and biological studies on the mango bud mite, Eriophyes mangiferae (Sayed), with description of immature stages (Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 22 (2): 145-150
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1981: Bionomics of the mango rust mite Metaculus mangiferae (Attiah) with description of immature stages (Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 22 (2): 151-155
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1982: Some eriophyoid mites from Egypt with descriptions of two new species (Acari: Eriophyoidea) - Acarologia (Paris) 22: 367-372
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1984: Two new eriophyid species infesting sycamore trees in Egypt (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 25: 21-25
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1984: The eupodid mites of Egypt (Acari: Eupodoidea: Eupodidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 25: 329-335
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1985: The rhagidiid mites of Egypt (Acari: Eupodoidea: Rhagidiidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 26: 253-259
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1985: Eupodes niloticus a new eupodid mite from Egypt (Acari: Eupodoidea: Eupodidae) - Bulletin of the Zoological Society of Egypt 35: 5-10
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1985: Comparison between the tocicity of synthetic pyrethroids and other compounds to the predacious mite Amblyseius gossipi (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 1 (3): 185-191
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1986: New genus and species of Lower Egypt mites of the family Rhagidiidae (Acari: Eupodoidea: Rhagidiidae) - Bulletin of the Zoological Society of Egypt 34: 59-63
- Abou-Awad, Badawi A., 1986: Two new species of genus Cocceupodes in Egypt (Acari: Eupodoidea: Eupodidae) - Bulletin of the Zoological Society of Egypt 34: 68-75
- Abou-Setta, Mohamed M., 1987: Biology of euseius mesembrinus (Acari: Phytoseiidae): life tables on ice plant pollen at different temperatures with note on behavior and food range - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 3 (2): 123-130
- Abou-Setta, Mohamed M., 1989: Biology of Euseius mesembrinus (Acari: Phytoseiidae): life tabels and feeding behaviour on tetranychid mites on citrus - Env.Ent. 18 (4): 665-669
- Abou-Setta, Mohamed M., 1991: Comparative morphology and reproductive compatibility between populations of Euseius mesembrinus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from Florida and Texas - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 10 (3-4): 213-220
- Abou-Setta, Mohamed M., 1991: Description of post-embryonic stages of Iphiseiodes quadripilis, a predatory mite on Florida citrus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) - International Journal of Acarology 17 (4): 241-249
- Abou-Setta, Mohamed M., 1997: Biology of Proprioseiopsis rotendus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) reared on Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) or pollen - Florida Entomologist 80 (1): 27-34
- Aboul Dahab, H. M., 1998: Unionicola anodontae n. sp. (Acari: Unionicolidae), a parasitic mite collected from River Nile, Sohag, Egypt - Bul.Fac.Sci.Assiut Univ., E Zool. 27: 1-23
- Aboul Dahab, H. M., 1998: Two new species of water mites parasitizing the freshwater mussel Anodonta rubens, in the River Nile, Egypt - J.Egypt.Germ.Soc.Zool. 25: 127-141
- Abraham, r., 2000: Kulonbozo erescsoportu szojafajtak atka-es tripsznepessege - Növényvédelem [Plant Protection] 36 (11): 583-589
- Absolon, Ph. C. Karel, 1900: Systematický přehled fauny jeskyň moravských - Vestník klubu přírodovedeckého v Prostějově za rok 1899 2: 60-68
- Accorti, m., 1987: Osservazioni sui livelli d'infestazione da Varroa jacobsoni Oud. in covata maschile di Apis mellifera ligustica Spin. - Redia 70: 135-140
- Achiano, k.a., 2006: Feeding behaviour of the potential predators of the jouse flies, Musca domestica L. and Fannia canicularis (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) - African Entomology 14 (1): 69-75
- Achukwi, m.d., 2001: Etude comparative de l'infestation des bovins Namchi (Bos taurus) et Goudali de Ngaoundere (Bos indicus) par la tique adulte Amblyomma variegatum - Revue d´Élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux 54 (1): 37-41
- Addison, e.m., 1979: Dermacentor albipictus on moose (Alces alces) in Ontario - J.Wildlife Dis. 15 (2): 281-284
- Addison, e.m., 1994: Growth of moose calves (Alces alces americana) infested and uninfested with winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus) - Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 (8): 1469-1476
- Addison, j.a., 2000: Pollen availability for predaceous mites on apple: spatial and temporal heterogeneity - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 24 (1): 1-18
- Adeyeye, o.a., 1996: Photoperiodic response in the soft tick, Ornithodoros turicata - Int.J.Par. 26 (6): 629-635
- Adidharma, d., 1987: Cage-microscope system for extended studies of small arthropods on intact growing leaves - Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 26 (3): 251-252
- Adieva, R. N., 1991: A new species of mites of the genera Dermatophagoides (Acari: Pyroglyphidae) from Kyrghyzstan - Kyrgyz Respublikasy Ilimder Akademiyasynyn Kabarlary Khimiya-Tekhnologiya Zhana Biologiya Ilimderi 191: 64-67
- Adis, j., 1985: Notes on the natural history of Macrocheles (Acari: Gamasida: Macrochelidae) associated with 3-toed sloths Bradypus spp. (Edentata: Bradypodidae) in the central Amazon - Zoologischer Anzeiger 214 (3/4): 222-224
- Adler, c.r.l., 1986: Attachment and dispersion of Callidosoma metzi (Acari: Erythraeidae) parasitizing Platynota idaeusalis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79 (1): 56-59
- Adler, s., 1948: A note on the genus Hyalomma Koch in Palestine - Parasitology 39 (1-2): 95-101
- Adolph, Clement, 1991: Two new species of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatei) from Kerala - Advances in management and conservation of soil fauna : 733-739
- Aeschlimann, André, 1969: Vitellogénèse et formation cuticulaire chez l'oeuf d'Ornithodorus moubata Murray (Ixodoidea: Argasidae). Étude au microscope électromique - Acarologia (Paris) 11: 180-192
- Aeschlimann, André, 1979: Aspects nouveaux du rôle de vecteur joué par Ixodes ricinus L. en Suisse. Note préliminaire - Acta Tropica 36 (2): 181-191
- Afifi, Abd-Allah Mohamed, 1984: Proctolaelaps striatus, a new species from Egypt with notes on its biology (Acari, Gamasida, Ascidae) - Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University 35: 1215-1226
- Afifi, Abd-Allah Mohamed, 1985: Lasioseius aegypticus, a new species from Egypt with notes on its biology (Acari: Gamasida: Ascidae) - Proceedings of Egyptʼs National Conference on Entomology 1: 453-461
- Afifi, Abd-Allah Mohamed, 1986: Description of Pachyseius wideventris, a new species from Holland (Acari - Gamasida - Pachylaelapidae) - Bulletin of the Zoological Society of Egypt 34: 5-10
- Afifi, M. A., 1988: Description of a new species of genus Gymnolaelaps Berlese from Egypt (Acari: Gamasida: Laelapidae) - Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University 39: 397-401
- Afkhami, Maryam, 2024: Morphological variation and abnormalities in two species of Typhlodromus Scheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae) - Systematic and Applied Acarology 29: 570-578
- Aftisse, Lydia, 2024: Description of a new species of Ixodes Latreille, 1795 (Acari: Ixodidae), a parasite of rodents (Rodentia: Muridae) in Algeria - Systematic Parasitology 102: -
- Afzal, Muhammad, 2000: Two new species of the subgenus Phytoseius Ribaga (Phytoseius: Phytoseiidae: Acarina) from Pakistan - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 32: 251-255
- Afzal, Muhammad, 2000: New species of the subgenus Pennaseius Pritchard and Baker (Phytoseius: Phytoseiidae: Acarina) from Pakistan - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 32: 267-270
- Afzal, Muhammad, 2003: A new species of the genus Hemicheyletia (Acarina: Cheyletidae) from Changa Manga Forest - Biologia (Lahore) 49: 89-91
- Afzal, Muhammad, 2004: A new species of the genus Amblyseius from Lahore - Biologia (Lahore) 50: 59-62
- Afzal, Muhammad, 2004: Two new species of subgenus Phytoseius Ribaga (Phytoseius: Phytoseiidae: Acarina) from apple in Kalam, Swat, Pakistan - Pakistan Entomologist 26: 37-40
- Agekyan, n.g., 1978: A little known entomophagous insect Semidalis aleyrodiformis Stephens (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae) in Adzharia - Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie [Энтомологическое обозрение] 57 (3): 509-512
- Ageyeva, t.z., 1990: Distribution of mesostigmatic mites (Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) in the holes of Citellus relictus in western Tyan Shan - Zoologicheskij Zhurnal [Зоологический журнал] 69 (8): 51-58
- Aghajanzadeh, s., 2006: Bioefficacy of six isolates of Hirsutella thompsonii Fisher against citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora Ashmead (Acari. Eriophyidae) and two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) - Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9 (5): 871-875
- Agudelo-Silva, p., 1986: A species of Triplosporium (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) infecting Mononychellus progressivus (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Venezuela - Florida Entomologist 69 (2): 444-446
- Aguirre, d.h., 1999: The life cycle of Amblyomma neumanni Ribaga, 1902 (Acari: Ixodidae) in the laboratory - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 23 (2): 159-164
- Aguirre, d.h., 2005: Amblyomma tigrinum (Acari: Ixodidae): new data on hosts and biology of immature stages and on DNA composition - Vet.Paras. 134 (3-4): 267-272
- Agyei, a.d., 1992: Histochemical changes in the midgut of two ixodid tick species Boophilus microplus and Rhipicephalus appendiculatus during digestion of the blood meal - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 13 (3): 187-212
- Agyei, a.d., 1995: Studies on the morphological changes in the midguts of two ixodid tick species Boophilus microplus and Rhipicephalus appendiculatus during digestion of the blood meal - Int.J.Par. 25 (1): 55-62
- Ah, Hyong-Sun, 1960: Shunsennia gracilis, a new species of Trombiculid mite from Korea (Acarina, Trombiculidae) - Parasitology 50: 577-580
- Ah, Hyong-Sun, 1964: Zumptiella coreaensis, a new species of nasal mite from the Korean squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris coreae Sowerby, 1921 - Parasitology 54: 403-408
- Ahaniazad, Mansoureh, 2018: A new Tectoribates (Acari: Oribatida: Tegoribatidae) from Iran, with redescription of Tectoribates proximus (Berlese, 1910) - International Journal of Acarology 44: 53-58
- Aheer, Ghulam Mustafa, 1987: A new mite species of genus Cheletonella (Acarina: Cheyletidae) from Pakistan - Journal of Agricultural Research 25: 103-109
- Aheer, Ghulam Mustafa, 1998: New species of the genus Cheletomimus Oudemans (Cheyletidae: Acarina) and a study of phenetic affinities of the species from Pakistan - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 30: 125-132
- Ahja, d.b., 1994: Seasonal incidence and chemical control of Oriental mite, Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) on castor - Indian Journal of Entomology 56 (1): 1-5
- Ahmad, I., 1984: Two new species of mites of the genus Brevipalpus (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) from Faisalabad - Pakistan Entomologist 6: 37-44
- Ahmad, Manzoor, 1989: Two new species of genus Amblyseius Berlese (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from Pakistan - Pakistan Entomologist 11: 42-51
- Ahmad, Manzoor, 1992: Genus Amblydromella Muma (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from Pakistan. I. Descriptions of seven new species - Pakistan Entomologist 14: 17-29
- Ahmad, Manzoor, 1993: Genus Amblydromella Muma (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from Pakistan. II. Descriptions of seven new species and a study into their phenetic affinities - Pakistan Entomologist 15: 21-34
- Ahmad, r., 1991: Incidence of Tropilaelaps clareae on Apis species in Pakistan and its control with formic acid - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 23 (4): 363-364
- Ahmed Ramadan, S., 1998: Four new water mite species of the genus Cheiroseiulus (Mesostigmata: Platyseiinae), collected from the River Nile, Egypt - Bul.Fac.Sci.Assiut Univ., E Zool. 27: 129-150
- Ahsan, M., 1970: A new species of Cecidopus from Pakistan (Acarina: Erythraeidae) - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 2: 47-49
- Aiimov, i.a., 1985: The nervous system of the mite Varroa jacobsoni (Parasitiformes, Varroidae), a honey bee parasite. General morphology of synganglion and its developmentin ontogenesis - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1985 (6): 45-50
- Aijamali, m.n., 2003: RNA interference: Applicability in tick research - Experimental and Applied Acarology. 28 (1-4): 89-96
- Ainslie, c.n., 1929: Note on the occurrence of the Mite, Dermanyssus gallinae L. in the nest of a House Wren - The Canadian Entomologist 61 (2): 39-40
- Ajlan, a.m., 1991: Does immunization of cucumber agains anthracnose by Colletotrichum lagenarium affect host suitability for arthropods? - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 58 (1): 83-91
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1985: New species of the genus Cenopalpus (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) from Pakistan and their phenetic affinities - Acarologia (Paris) 26: 269-287
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1987: A new species of genus Raoiella (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) from date palm - Pakistan Entomologist 9: 41-44
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1990: Tetranychid mites infesting sunflower in Pakistan - Pakistan Entomologist 12: 7-9
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1990: New species of genus Raoiella (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) from Pakistan and their phenetic affinities - Pakistan Entomologist 12: 75-81
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1993: Two new species of the genus Aegyptobia (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) from Pakistan and their phenetic affinities - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 25: 153-157
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1993: New predatory mites from summer vegetables at Gujranwala - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 25: 293-297
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1994: Genus Euseius Wainstein from Punjab-Pakistan - Pakistan Entomologist 16: 47-50
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1994: Mite fauna of summer vegetables in Punjab - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 26: 339-345
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1998: Genus Brevipalpus (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) from Faisalabad - Pakistan Entomologist 20: 21-25
- Akbar, Shamshad, 1999: New species of the genus Acaropsis (Acarina: Cheyletidae) from Punjab - Pakistan - Pakistan Journal of Zoology 31: 263-265
- Akbar, Shamshad, 2007: Genus Acaropsis Moquin-Tandon (Cheyletidae) from rice growing tract of Punjab, Pakistan - Biologia (Lahore) 53: 89-95
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- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1975: Morphology of the digestive system in Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fum. et Rob.) (Acariformes, Acaroidea) - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1975 (3): 66-72
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1977: Morpho-functional peculiarities of digestive system in Amblyseius andersoni (Gamasoidea, Phytoseiidae) - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1977 (3): 82-86
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1980: The structure of the digestive system in Acotyledon absoloni Samšinak, 1961 (Acariformes, Acaroidea) dwelling in termitaria - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1980 (1): 51-56
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1981: Structure and functions of the mouth apparatus and legs muscles in Tetranychus urticae C.L.Koch (Trombidiformes, Tetranychoidea) - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1981 (3): 54-59
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1981: Amblyseius longispinosus (Evans) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) - a promising predatory mite in biological control - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1981 (5): 78-81
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- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1983: Muscular system ov Varroa jacobsoni (Parasitiformes, Varroidae) a parasite of honey-bee. 1. Gnathosoma muscles - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1983 (2): 68-72
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1983: Muscular system of female Varroa jacobsoni (Parasitiformes, Varroidaea), an honey-bee parasite. 2. Walking limb and idiosome musles - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1983 (4): 70-75
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1984: Structure and functions of the digestive system of Bakericheyla chanayi (Trombidiformes, Cheyletidae), an ectoparasite of birds - Parazitologiya (St. Petersburg) [Паразитология] 18 (1): 15-22
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1984: Respiratory system of the mite Varroa jacobsoni (Parasitiformes, Varroidae) - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1984 (3): 45-49
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1984: Reproductive system of Varroa jacobsoni. 1. Female reproductive system and oogenesis - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1984 (6): 61-68
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1985: The mite Bryobia lagodechiana Reck (Trombidiformes, Bryobiidae) on cucumber plants - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1985 (1): 45-45
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1985: The influence of temperature on oviposition and egg development of Varroa jacobsoni - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1985 (3): 52-56
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1985: Reproductive system of Varroa jacobsoni. 2. Male reproductive system and spermatogenesis - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1985 (2): 63-69
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- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1986: Arrhenotoky and sex determination in Varroa jacobsoni eggs - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1986 (4): 64-68
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1987: Morphological and functional grounds of trophic specialization of a predaceous mite, Cheyletus eruditus (Trombidiformes, Cheyletidae) - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1987 (5): 49-54
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1988: Morpho-functional age changes in the reproductive system of female Varroa jacobsoni - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1988 (6): 48-55
- Akimov, Igor Andreevich, 1988: Embryonic development of the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni - Vestnik Zoologii (Вестник Зоологии) 1988 (3): 55-62
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1959: Phytoseiidae et Aceosejidae (Acarina, Gamasina) d´Algérie. III. Contribution aux Aceosejinae - Bulletin de la société d´histoire naturelle de l´Afrique du Nord 50: 158-195
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1960: Contribution aux mésostigmates d´Algérie (Parasitiformes: Liroaspidae, Veigaiidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 2: 159-174
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1961: Tyrophagus miripes n.sp. (acariens actinotrichidés, Acaridae) - Annales de lʼÉcole nationale dʼagriculture dʼAlger 3: 1-4
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1962: Amblyseius swirskii, un nouveau phytoseiide voisin dʼA. andersoni (Acariens anactinotriches) - Annales de lʼÉcole nationale dʼagriculture dʼAlger 3: 1-7
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1965: Particularités biogéographiques des Pergamasus quisquiliarum paléarctique (Mesostigmata, Parasitidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 7: 624-631
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1968: Observations sur les Pergamasus 5. Additions et corrections aux Paragamasus d´Europe tempérée, principalment occidentale (Acariens Anactinotriches, Parasitidae) - Bulletin scientifique de Bourgogne 25: 175-228
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1973: Arctopsis inexpectatus n.gen., n.sp., gamaside litiéricole nouveau de Normandie (Arachnides, Dermanyssina, Ascidae) - Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 78: 226-236
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1977: Syskenozercon kosiri n.g.n.sp., Zerconidae dorsonéotriche des alpes et de l´Himalaya (Arachnides, gamasides) - Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 101: 433-444
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1977: Neogamasus franzi n.sp., Parasitidae nouveau du Nepal (Parsitiformes, Gamasides) - International Journal of Acarology 3: 123-128
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1978: Typhlodromini du Vaucluse, avec description de trois espèces nouvelles (Arachnides, Gamasides, Phytoseiidae) - Annales Zool. Écol anim. 10: 695-701
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1979: Neogamasus speculiger n.sp. (Parasitiformes, Parasitidae), from a horticultural substrate near Antwerp, with definition of Dyoneogamasus n.subg. - Biologisch Jaarboek 47: 38-43
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- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1980: Recapitulatory note on composition and geography of the genus Gamasodes Ouds. (Parasitiformes, Parasitidae), with a description of four new species - Biologisch Jaarboek 48: 50-62
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1980: Sur le group d´espèces "bispinosus" du genre Gamasodes Oudemans, 1939 (Parasitiformes, Parasitidae) - Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 104: 209-220
- Athias-Henriot, Claire, 1982: Schizosthetus n.g. (type Eugamasus lyriformis McGr. & Farr., 1969) avec deux especes nouvelles (Parasitiformes, Parasitidae) - Acarologia (Paris) 23: 207-214
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